MPD Well Engineering

We deliver best-in-class engineering, on-site supervision, and technical support. Our in-house expert engineering team possesses extensive experience in dynamic control operations, planning, equipment design, and control system engineering.

Project Management

Our team provides MPD onshore and offshore project management services that encompass all aspects of equipment design, selection, procurement, installation, certification and startup/commissioning.

Rig Integration

We deploy fit for purpose MPD systems to onshore and offshore rigs in different environments and provide a complete rig integration service, simplifying logistics, installation, commisionning and optimizing costs.

We offer a simple-to-install process-automation platform for the control, monitoring and optimization of drilling operations.

Expert Witness Service

Need a professional opinion, or 3rd party review, or assistance with a legal matter. We have the expertise to assist.


We can work with and train your personnel to understand, design, model and execute a detailed MPD solution tailored to your project.